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For palladina, terrazzo and marbles not easy to polish.

POLISH GREY is not only one of the best polishing powder but it is also an excellent chemical for daily cleaning of hard surfaces. It is fine abrasive (to be mixed with water) to remove fungus, soap scum build-up and embedded stains in grouting immediately. This product is suitable for use in kitchens, restaurants, shopping mall, and alltype of stone surfaces, whether with honed or rough surface textures.

Instruction to use: Spread a small quantity of POLISH GREY on the floor and add a little water. Using the Discolux or white disc, make a "yogurt-like" cream and work until the floor becomes lucid. If you need to, add another little bit of POLISH and water. The polishing product must always be like yogurt. At the end of the job, wash the floor thoroughly with the clean white disc. When the floor is dry, polish with a dry white disc.

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