Klindex Dealers Around the world

Why to choose klindex… 
- all Klindex products are made in Italy, using HIGH QUALITY and STRONGEST MATERIALS
- Klindex is THE ONLY Manufacturer in The World that produces Floor Machines & Diamond Discs (other companies produces floor machines and buy diamond tools from external companies)
- Klindex is THE BEST manufacturer of PROFESSIONAL MACHINES and DIAMOND DISCS & TOOLS, products and and equipments to grind, polish, to prepare and to maintain marble, granite, concrete, wooden, terrazzo, gres, and natural stones floor... thanks to the wide range of tools we can get any kind of treatment of any and on any type of floor
- Klindex is also a manufacturer of machines and diamond discs for grinding, polishing, and maintain: top, counters, slabs, thresholds, tables, staircases, small marble surfaces, granite, natural stones, gres…
- Klindex is the only Company in the world that manufactures the machines and also the abrasive discs
- Our DIAMOND DISCS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED and PURPOSELY STUDIED on KLINDEX MACHINES… this guarantees a longer life, great performances, better results, better stability and reliability of our system
- Klindex has PARTNERS & DEALERS ALL OVER THE WORLD: Italy, Russia, Australia, Iran, USA, United Kingdom, France, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, India, Nigeria, Holland, Poland, Korea, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Lithuania, Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Romania, Belgium, Czech Republic, Argentina, China, Chile, Japan, China, Hong kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, Germany, Greece, etc.
- Klindex habitually carries out many resources for the research and development of his own products to offer always the best product to his customers.
- Klindex continually collaborate with our customers to satisfy their particular requirements.
- Klindex habitually carries out activities of RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT in collaboration with the “Energetic Department of L'AQUILA UNIVERSITY” and every year new projects are developed which become graduation Thesis arguments of the Engineering Department. 
- Klindex has a special consideration of the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT, for this reason, the whole research is finalized to use ecological materials and with not harmful residual… KLINDEX is THE BEST CHOICE