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Antike Floor 4”/100mm

The ANTIKE BRUSHES are the best way to produce an antique look on marble floors in a natural and strictly mechanical way without using any chemical products. Do not apply any extra weight to avoid bending the bristles.

Grit available:

• Antike floor 36

• Antike floor 46

• Antike floor 70

• Antike floor 120

• Antike floor 220

• Antike floor 320

• Antike floor 500


Standard Process:

1) Start grinding with ANTIKE BRUSH grit46 until you obtain an irregular surface. In case you want to achieve a very irregular surface, start with ANTIKE BRUSH grit36 or STEEL BRUSH.

2) Proceed with ANTIKE FLOOR grit70.

3) Complete the work with grit.120 and grit.240, in order to achieve an antique look with semi-polished finish.

4) To obtain a polished look, proceed with antique floor grit.320 and grit.500.

5)To leave the surface waterproofed and to improve the color, apply “ANTIKO”.

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