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Removing Coatings / Resin

BT diamond tools 4”/100mm 4 Segments

BT diamond tools 4”/100mm 4 Segments

Diamond tools with round segments designed for effective grinding and removing resin,  glue and varnish. Also suitable for concrete ginding. Specific for: • Levighetor 640 • Planetario k1000 • Multidisk • Fixed plate A3
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BT Arrow TCK 4”/100mm

BT Arrow TCK 4”/100mm

Thin resin/paint removal on hard concrete. Diamond tools with arrow segments with special TCK inserts designed for fast and effective thin resin and paint removal on hard or good substrate cement floors. It does not demage the floor. Do not use on green concrete or abrasive concrete floors.  ...
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TCK 4''/100mm 5 Segments

TCK 4''/100mm 5 Segments

Levelling, coating removal on green concrete floor. Very tough and hard bond together with special TCK diamond segments, it provides fast and very durable grinding for soft and abrasive concrete. •Fast, efficient heavy duty removal of humps, mastics, thin-set, self-leveling compounds...
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Skraper 4"/100mm

Skraper 4"/100mm

To remove thick rubbery material and coating on floor. With 1 PCD polycrystalline diamond segment plus 1 round diamond segment including TCK insert used to remove all types of stubborn coatings, such as paint, varnish, glue, epoxy, acrylic, screed residue, mastic, black tar adhesive as...
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Super Skraper PCD 4"/100mm

Super Skraper PCD 4"/100mm

To remove thick rubbery material and thick coating on floor. PCD SUPER SKRAPER made up of 2 polycrystalline diamond and 2 arrow diamond with TCK insert is suggested to remove all types of hard coatings such as: paint, varnish, glue, epoxy, acrylic, screed residue, mastic, black tar adhesive as...
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